Sunday, December 31, 2006


We went to this year's first snowboarding. The Okunakayama skihill was about 30゜F. Mia and Noah were having a tough time to slide, but later on they were getting better!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas play toys!

Kids are playing and having a great time! The holiday is winding down, and soon the new year will be here.

Jasmine to Taiwan

Jasmine and her 2 cousins from Tokyo departed from Narita airport to go to Taiwan. They are going to a wedding! Lucky ducks!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve!

This year we are spending the holiday in Japan with daddy! We have spent the past 3 years in America, but not this time. We have a fake tree which is not the coolest, but we do have real boughs outside on the railings! Noah opened a flask, Mia has pj's and Jas has a talking snuggling bunny. Cross opened a reindeer and is riding him! Mamma is lucky too. Daddy got lucky with a kiss!

Kuji Church

On Christmas Eve we had a get-together in Kuji at the local Catholic church. Father Thoma who is Swiss, said mass,and then we gathered in the kindergarten room for food and fun. The tree was lit with mini candles!!!

Oasis Christmas party

We had a good time at the language school Oasis Christmas party! I sometimes still fill in when needed!

Winter vacation

Kids started their winter vacation today. They had neighberhood special activity at the Civic Center in our city. You can make many art project things. They enjoyed making X-mas toys.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

School conference

This was conference day for us today. 3 kids at one school is a little challenge. In this shot you will see the lamp that Mia made from the idea of the ballerina. We were impressed and the school awarded her too!

Monday, December 18, 2006


This is it. These mountains are right outside the window. I have so many choices of what to photograph. I think one view is more beautiful than the one before! It is snowing still!

What do you think these are?

These are from Taiwan. They are really sweet, and Jasmine mentioned that they are called sweeto. Who knows? What about the snow??

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Chanel Christmas Tree

Wouldn't you love this in your home? It was really neat! As we walked along a Ginza street, we noticed some pretty beautiful trees considering this is a Christmas in Japan. I want one of those #5's!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This is my new boyfriend!

Here we are. David and I. You know the David- David as in Copperfield!! He made Katsuya disappear for awhile. While Kat was gone, David was mine! Great show in Tokyo!


Here we are looking at the biggest fish market in the world. Location- Tokyo. Place -Tsukiji. We spent a few days in Tokyo the other day,and had always wanted to visit this place. Finally we did! One word of caution is traffic. There were sooo many scooters or mini cars and bikes where buyers were coming in to buy fish,or even bid on fish. We thought we were going to get run down! The fish to the left are tuna! The shrine was as we walked the neighborhood. One more thing to remember is 5 am is opening time for market goers!

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Poor little baby! Flu shots for all of us. Now that I think of it I'm sure we looked as though we should have been in the news or something. All 6 of us were sitting next to eachother waiting for the nurse to shoot us. This office was not a place to get shots, only a doctor office. The doctor came out of his main check up room and simply stood there watching. He just watched !!! It is amusing to me now.


We were lucky to meet with a friend of ours. Her name is Chieko Sato. Look at her little girl baby! Cute! Baby is Tomoko in Japan, and Annie in Canada! Mommy is actually Canadian.Daddy is Japanese.

On display

Mia had her lamp ballerina chosen for display at the culture center. It was really nifty. We thought it was cute.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This is a drum shop in the city. Japanese drums are very interesting, and you can maybe see the owner of the store in the window. He is putting one together.

This is Mt. Iwate. It already has snow too.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Check this out!

Do you know the Bumbo sofa from South Africa?Well, we bought it. It is for any baby who can hold his head up- 10 kg. Cross weighs 11 kg. This is about 24lbs... He loves it. It molds around baby, and baby cannot move.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Back at the horse ranch

We have been spending more time at the polo place lately. Mia and Noah take class, and Jas just rides. Here you can see the owner with baby Cross. I think they look good together! TodayMia took her first fall. The horse was going too fast around a corner and banged into the guardrail.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

New York City!

These are from New York! Yeah right! Actually, some areas get a lump sum of money from the government. This is what they chose to spend it on. A little strange don't you think? Anyways, the day was a beauty as you can see.

The area around here has a walk around park. Kind of pretty.