Thursday, May 22, 2008

Morioka Zoo

No rain today, although it looked as though it might. Animals were lively. Possibly because of the stuff they were fed at breakfast along with their regular food! We were
joking that they all drank Red Bull earlier. I like toast

Fuji tree in Japan

Here you can make out some purple mountain Fuji. 2 weeks ago
we saw them as we drove through and on the way to Fukushima.
I probably took 40 photos, but we we going 100k so, a bit fast for a great shot! I love these flowers though!

Hachinohe Ocean

Great day at the beach-a bit cool
on one side of the beach, but nice on the other! It was so pretty!

The Pacific waters always carry something interesting up to
the sand for me to find. On this particular day I lost the pretty
shell that Jas had found. When she asked Cross if he knew
where it went he said "go bye-bye wa wa" It translates to
"yeah, I threw it back into the water" Oh well!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

By mistake

This was the most frightened we have been in a long time. By ac-
cident we went through the zoo
doors on the left rather than the right. We could not get back with-
out security helping us! We are
kidding. Of course this was fright-
ening, but we paid $ to do so. We
travelled back to Fukushima this following week to experience the safari there! It was something!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ouchi Juku, Fukushima

These were amazing ancient homes.
Some are as much as 300 years old.
We went to this old hidden area deep
in side the mountains. We were told that
the area was kept as was. Notice the roof.
There were bees under the eaves. They
live in the holes in the straw.
We were near magnolias too! 

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Almost to our destination

We are on our way during golden week to a place called Fukushima.

It is 7 hours away, so a bit of a drive!
The kids were really good though.

The mountain is Mt. Iwate.
The pot is our coffee, the stuff on
the pot is is French Bread from a friend. We devoured it in about 6 min.. We also had butter for it!

Cheers and kompai to our inn. Very beautiful scenery, with the water and all. We could hear it all night.

Monday, May 05, 2008

A day at the farm

These pictures are really pretty if you zoom into them. You can see the cherry blossoms in the back. We were at Koiwai farm for the day.

Cross, the poor guy did not know what to do when the farmer put him on the horse ! Without a harness!

The sheep were favorites too! Cross was a bit of a run today though!!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Stopping off in Sannohe we were able to enjoy pink!

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and if we do not enjoy now, it may be too late to do it later!

Actually, the flowers are strong this year. They seem extra pink too!