Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Valentine Bear

I let Cross help me to open my birthday chocolate. The kids dressed him to look like a valentine baby!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ski! Again

Just another weekend to ski! This time we had one of Mia's friends along. We went to Nakayama Ski Jo.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

School 130th anniversary

Kintaichi School celebrates 130years. Actually, Katsuya's dad went here too for elementary school. There were guests from years back, as well as parents from now. Mia is in 6th, Noah is in 4th, and Jas is in 1st.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The health check

Today was a check-up for Sheri and Katsuya in Hachinohe City. Baby had to come too. All the nurses had to give him their phone numbers! Kat weighed 70 kg. I weighed less than he at least!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hiraniwa ski hill

Another day to ski and board! It was sooooo cold you would not believe it. I only had baby Cross get out for the picture. The kids and Katsuya were frozen packages!

Indoor Soccer

Number 3- go! go! go! Mia is in soccer at school. This is the last game.

Tokyo part2

You can see the Japanese Diet in the first photo-center and brownish in color. We went to Tokyo the other day, for this and that. The other shots are from our hotel. Palace hotel near Tokyo station. We always like to stay here.

B-B Guns

Today was Noah's bbgun fun. I was not too happy about him playing with it though. I thought that it looked just fine on display up in his bedroom. The other boys are a couple of friends from school.